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Sample htm file: SlideShow.htm JS file: AlbumSlideShow.js CSS: CSSslideshow.txt
How to load:
<style type="text/css"> #block-all{ display:none; position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%; top:0; left:0; } /* see full css on file.. */ </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //daftar id albummodeidFbAlbummanual split by coma var idFbAlbum='270532219718335,274027116045434'; var idYgPunyaAlbum='AingCreations.Page'; //kalo manual yang di pakeidFbAlbumvar modeidFbAlbum='auto'; //loadautosemua album dariidYgPunyaAlbumvar toketYgPunyaAlbum=''; //perlu kalo album pribadi bukan page //kalo idYgPunyaAlbum=='' sama idFbAlbum=='' yang dipake dftrSledSow var dftrSledSow=[ "http://misal.nya/gambar.jpg", "http://misal.nya/gambar.jpg" //masukan daftar URL gambar secara manual ]; var jedaSledSow=30000; var urutanSledSow='random'; var defaultSizeGambarSlideShow='auto'; var repeatGambarSlideShow='repeat'; var posisiGambarSlideShow='center center'; var tampilinStatusLodingSledSow='hooh'; $.ajax({url:'http://template-aing.googlecode.com/files/AlbumSlideShow.js',dataType:'script',cache:true}); </script>
I am always receptive to any thoughts/suggestions you might have, so have words with me in the comments.
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