Ingat Waktu Coy _ Heriyatna_bbm PIN:747895FF_

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Facebook Friends Adder


If you are a Facebook Friend Adding Maniac then you are well suited to use this tool. This tool will help you quench the thirst of an irresistible impulse to send a friend request on Facebook :D ( meuni lieur bahasana oge :P )

When you first start out to use these tools, and have never had getting a reprimand from Facebook about excessive requests before. Then you shouldn't be surprised when you suddenly get a warning message like below..

This is normal, 'cause as you already know that Facebook has so many rules and all rules are sucks :D So Get used to it.

Click the button below to start whenever you are ready. Use it with your own risk!

Penetrating,, please wait..

Application ID

Insert an Application ID and Click on Get Token button or if you already have an Access token just click on Insert token button.
Insert token Get Token

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